XCONFIRM Post-Trade Messaging

Xenfin Technology’s post-trade processing suite provides empowering functionalities to increase organizational efficiency.
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Extensive STP Tools

Ticket Compression

Reduce transaction costs without complexity by aggregating smaller tickets and reporting on a schedule or at volume thresholds

Post Trade via Email Confirmation

Consume, translate or send post trade Messages via Email Confirmations

Lower costs

Lower costs through ticket aggregation and seamless STP to multiple down-stream applications

Lower costs

Dupe Check & Replay Functionality

System identifies and filters out duplicate messages, allows to replay messages based on multiple parameters

Lower costs

Third Party Messaging Adapter Compatibility

Compatible with industry wide post trade messaging providers

Lower costs

Multi Prime Broker / Back Office Integrations

Integrated with major prime brokerage and back-office services

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Advanced functionalities

Message Translation

Template post trade messaging per counterparty

Manual Ticket Entry

Manually send and replay trade confirmations

Drop Copy

Drop copy service via FIX API

Limit & Time-based Message Flush

Delay post trade messaging based on time and quantity parameters

Order / Block Allocations

Post trade position allocation management - split positions across multiple accounts

Custom Outputs

Granular post trade message customisation - size, direction, message relay, automated back-office bookings

Accelerate your future

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